Advanced Youth Sailing Clinic and Seminar – Deadline Extended


The Gulf Coast Youth Sailing Association will be hosting an Advanced Youth Sailing Clinic and Seminar on Saturday, November 11th at Texas Corinthian Yacht Club. This is an opportunity for aspiring youth sailors to experience a complete training day in an advanced sailing program. Sailors will be exposed to physical and mental training methods, nutritional education and on and off the water advanced coaching in a fun and educational environment. In addition, GCYSA will host an educational seminar for parents, coaches and sailors explaining advanced youth sailing and the options available to today’s sailors.


Clinic Format
Location:                              Texas Corinthian Yacht Club Kemah, Texas
Sailor Age:                           Sailors should be between the ages of 14 and 18
Sailor Experience:               At least one year of intermediate level sailing in their class
Single Handed Boat:           Laser Radial and Laser. BYOB.
Double Handed Boat:         C420 & I420. BYOB or contact us if you need a boat
Coaching:                             GCYSA will provide their two high performance coaches
Rosie Chapman- Single handed
Lior Lavie- Double handed
We encourage all sailors to bring their local club coach to participate

Clinic Schedule
Saturday November 11, 2017
8:00am             Arrival
8.30am             Physical training – GCYSA trainer – Dustin Bauer
9.30am             Boat Rigging
10.30am           Morning Briefing
11:00pm           On Water Training
3:00pm            Debriefing
4:00pm           Advanced Youth Sailing Seminar for all

Seminar Topics
Advanced Youth Sailing Program Philosophy and Methodology
Regional and National Advanced Youth Sailing Program Options
Advanced Youth Sailing Economics
Next Steps? US Sailing Path, College Sailing, etc.

What to Bring: Food, water and snacks for the day, Physical training gear, Notepad

Please RSVP by completing the online application by November 9th.

Please complete the Waiver and Medical Information forms.   You may bring them with you or scan and email to: [email protected]

To Download Information Page, click here

Questions: Please email Rosie Chapman at [email protected]
